Peeper is now closer to her second birthday than her first. As much as this gives me whiplash and makes me think, Wha?!, it makes complete sense: She is hurtling forward, both figuratively and literally, every second of every day.
With as quickly as she changes, I wanted to record a few Peeper gems to celebrate her half-birthday.
1. Peeper has outgrown my favorite baby-talk word—stairs are no longer “ah-moo”s, regrettably. But she does have a few other Peeper-isms amidst her clear phrases. We eat cererererear or wee-mo (cereal and oatmeal, natch) for breakfast, and she goes for a walk in the carrierierierier when I can’t be bothered with the stroller.
2. She likes to fall asleep with a finger in a belly button—hers or mine will do.
3. Most days, “book” is her first word in the morning, and one of the only reasons she throws a fit is if I won’t read her a book RIGHT THIS MINUTE BOOOOOOOOK!
4. Peeper is still a very light eater, but on the days she thinks pomegranate seeds with a side of air makes for a balanced meal, I have a few ways to
trick coax her into eating another bite or two. I may poke a bit of food with a fork, which she usually wants to feed herself. I may ask her to feed the leftovers to Finn, which she instead pops in her mouth. Or I may cave in and read her a book as she sits on my lap, which means she’ll eat almost anything as if she’s a moviegoer shoving popcorn in her maw.
5. Peeper loves her dog. When it’s time to go home from wherever we are, her first thought is of our mutt waiting for us. “Finn!” she’ll say. Then, “Pet. Hug. Walk. Treat.”
6. This child may be destined to be a music critic with how much she asks me to sing to her. (“Song” is the second-most-often requested thing in the morning, after “book.”) Except now she has strong opinions about what ditty she wants to hear at a given moment—I’ll launch enthusiastically into “Baby Beluga” only to be interrupted by her forceful “No!”
7. Girlfriend loves her arts and crafts time. Peeper colors and paints, draws in the bath with water crayons, scribbles on a magnadoodle in her car seat and will find any wayward pen forgotten under the couch or behind the fridge. She now gets her own paper out of the printer tray, snags mail from the table or simply doodles on boxes.
Lately, she asks me to add to her masterpieces and is very specific about what she wants me to draw, which is almost always a fish or a bucket. Seriously.
8. Peeper’s imagination is taking off. She still calls her Nana on just about any object, but she also feeds her stuffed animals and puts her doll to bed (“Sleep tight. Dreams,” she’ll say). Growing up, my siblings and I entertained ourselves for hours on end—pretending to be wizards, orphans, world explorers and homesteaders on the Bayou—so I can’t wait to watch this trait grow. (Wondering just how much of an impact imaginative play can have? Just sing “Alligator stew, alligator stew, if you don’t eat it, it will eat you,” near my sisters or brother and watch the reaction.)
9. Despite having an abundance of toys, you’re just as likely to find Peeper playing with a box full of straws than anything else.
10. She spontaneously gives kisses. One night she zipped from one couch to the other, planting smacks on me and Eric, until giggles immobilized all of us. I’ll soak up all the kisses I can get. With how fast she’s growing up, next time I turn around she’ll be 15 and embarrassed by any show of affection.
Until then, kiss kiss, my Peeper. Mama loves you.
so so sweet! I love all of the fun quirky little moments and habits kids have at that age. #2 cracks me up 🙂
I know—I’m not sure where she picked that one up, but it’s hilarious!
what a beautiful little girl- cherish all these moments!
Thank you! Recording them, for me, is part of cherishing them—partly so I can remember for years to come.
Best list ever!
Margot isn’t quite old enough yet for a lot of these things (drawing, demanding certain songs, etc…) but it’s so neat to imagine those things coming down the pike.
Just you wait, Loni! Margot will be drawing on walls and kitchen floors in no time. 😉
What a fun age! This is a great way to bookmark where she’s at now 🙂
Out growing the baby talk makes me sad. Edith is 2.5 and she is quickly starting to properly say words and phrases and while I love to watch/hear her develop I also am wishing it would slow down just a little. I guess they can’t stay little forever!
Agreed. It’s such a mix of amazement/appreciation of all the advancements and loss/nostalgia over what’s left behind.
Such a cutie! Axel is 19 months and I don’t think he has as many words as she does. Sadly, he recently learned the word “mine,” and I have been hearing it non-stop lately.
Peeper doesn’t say “mine”—but then again she doesn’t have older siblings, so EVERYTHING is hers! Haha!
I am absolutely loving watching my Squishy’s imagintation grow!!!! Well exept for when she asks me to nurse one of her stuffed animals that visibly have teeth! The older kids love playing with her now because yes,she makes so much up!!!!!
Haha, that’s hilarious! I wouldn’t want to nurse a dinosaur or shark either. 🙂
this is so darling! the food thing is interesting! i don’t recall whether i was a light eater or not as a kid, but remember my brother being the opposite! always hungry. funny how everyone’s so different
They let us know from an early age just how individual their personalities are!
What a cutie! I especially love the arts and crafts pic!
Me too! She usually gets more paint on herself than on the paper but oh well.
Can’t stop laughing over ‘sleeping with a finger in a belly button’!
Right?! This kid cracks me up!
great post! I have a newborn so it’s fun to hear what kind of things I have to look forward to.