23 months

Toddler adirondack chairLately I catch myself staring at Peeper. A lot.

I look up and there she is, and suddenly I’m overcome.

After she goes to sleep, I lose myself scrolling through my Instagram feed or flipping through photos on my phone. I can’t get enough of her, and then I realize I’ve been smiling at her pictures for the last 30 minutes.

Perhaps it’s a side effect of knowing our second child is on her way. The coming arrival of Kiwi makes me savor this time with Peeper even more.

But my absorption with her goes beyond soaking up these last minutes of her as our only child. She is just so damn wonderful.

Toddler yoga downward dogToddler bench Mary S Young Park sheep loveyIMG_1044 IMG_1113

She has always been that way. She wowed me from moment one with her mighty lungs when she entered the world, seeming to shout, “I am here! I am here!”

Toddler azalea Hendrick's ParkToddler first ice cream cone Prince Pucklers Eugene As her personality emerged, I loved watching her take in the world with her signature “f’row brow” seriousness. She still concentrates so hard to not miss a single detail in a book, a face, a walk to the park—or the taste of her first ice cream cone.

Lately, her incredible skill with language gives me a glimpse into how her mind works. I learn about what she’s interested in, what she pays attention to, the connections she makes and even her anxieties because she can tell me. And I make the time to ask.

But as the months go by and she grows into herself, she becomes even more astonishing. My breath catches when I am with her. I could not be more grateful to witness how she changes and who she is.

Her biggest development this month has been emotional. She was already very in touch with her feelings—at a recent midwife appointment, for example, she said, “Little bit nervous” and hid on my shoulder when the nurse came to get us.

Now she is concerned with everyone feeling sad. She’ll stop her play—or, even more telling, a story—to give a toy or a character in a book a hug. “She feels better,” she’ll pronounce, and we’ll get on with whatever it was we were doing. Her budding empathy makes me so proud.

toddler hugA few weeks ago, I learned that a wonderful woman I knew from grad school had died. She was one of the kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and it broke my heart that we all lost her too soon. Peeper didn’t quite know what to make of my tears, but at one point she left her play kitchen and gave me a hug.

Peeper only met my friend a few times, and she was too little to remember. But as I sat with tear-mottled cheeks and a toddler’s tiny arms around me, part of my grief lifted. My friend lives on in all of our kindness, compassion and caring; she lives on in a 23-month-old’s hugs. I know she would smile at that.

So in this, Peeper’s last month before her age turns into years plural, I’ll continue to stare when she’s around and flip through photos when she’s not. I want to steep myself in her, absorb her into my pores, revel in her unique self. I want to never forget.

Toddler running on bridge playground

0 thoughts on “23 months

    • June 17, 2015 at 2:23 pm

      She is developing quite the fashion sense! She picked out that hat at a garage sale. One of our better finds so far. 🙂

  • June 17, 2015 at 11:52 am

    Moving sentiments, spot-on observations and so much love … “all over the place”. Edie reminds me so much of you growing up at about this age … has the same beautiful features, platinum hair, curiosity, penchant for books and stories – and adventure. (Ask her about *hair in Crampaw Shempy’s ears.) Mom and l both went off on the “how much Edie would love … beaches, waterfalls, the pool, ocean, etc. … here and how l can’t wait to take her camping, kayaking, baseball or football games, and doing things together.” Of course, like you, mom and l cannot get enough of her. She is such a gift. Next week we’re working on the “off-side” roll.

    • June 17, 2015 at 2:22 pm

      Aw thank you! I know she’d love exploring Hawaii with you too. Load up on stories to share with her when you get back!

  • June 17, 2015 at 1:02 pm

    How cute is she?!!! Looks like a super happy kid 🙂

  • June 17, 2015 at 7:53 pm

    It’s so lovely that you are taking the time to appreciate these moments with her. She seems like an amazing little girl. Interestingly, when my oldest son’s sister was born, he was 23 months. When he held her on his lap at the hospital he said “feeling little bit nervous.” Kids are so amazing.

    • June 18, 2015 at 7:56 pm

      They truly are! I mean to jot down more incredible things she does/says, but unfortunately too many slip my mind before I manage to. Always something more to aspire to. 😉

    • June 18, 2015 at 7:54 pm

      Thank you! That reminds me, I need to get cracking putting these into a book for her. That’s been on my to-do for ages.

  • June 26, 2015 at 7:55 pm

    I find myself staring at my 2yo a lot lately! Every day is seems more grown up than the day before and I just wish he would stop growing for a minute! Maybe it is knowing that he is the very last baby sigh!!!!

    • June 26, 2015 at 8:33 pm

      I can empathize! Just tonight my husband and I were marveling that Peeper was once a newborn and small enough to fit inside me. Where does the time go?!

  • Pingback: Love wins: A rainbow-hued celebration | The Ten Thousand Hour Mama

  • July 26, 2015 at 9:44 am

    What a cute kid! They grow up too fast, don’t they! And they are very astute too..they seem to know when you are down and that’s such a very sweet gesture to give you a hug when you were in tears. You’ll definitely never forget. 🙂

    Nice meeting you. 🙂


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