A baby’s first months are filled with milestones—first bath, first outing, first smile, first everything. Once she grows into a toddler, those baby book moments become fewer and stretched farther apart.
Peeper’s 21st month turned that pattern on its head.
The last month was filled with new experiences, and this adventurous toddler soaked them up. Most notable was her first trip without Dada. We met my parents in Mexico, where Peeper enjoyed a slew of firsts—tasting her first mole (so huge a hit that she ate it plain and straight from the dish), her first swim in the Pacific Ocean, witnessing her first lightning storm. I loved watching how closely she bonded with Nana and Grandpa Shempy. Every morning, she ran into their arms. She’d ask “Where Crampaw go?” when my dad left the room and sprint after my mom if she stepped away from us on the beach. While I worked, Peeper and her grandparents took walks, discovering cacti, taking water taxi rides, visiting seals (“Too noisy!”) and charming the housekeeping staff.
Despite the fun of her first big vacation with Mama, she was thrilled to come home.
When Eric met us at the airport, Peeper clung to him like a superglue-monkey hybrid. Each time he tried to put her in her car seat, she wrapped her arms and legs around him even tighter, refusing to let go.
Peeper’s other firsts marked the passage of time in a way maybe only a mother would notice. She began sitting in a booster seat at the table instead of a high chair. She now rides the slide without my holding her hand. And she wore her first pig tails and then her first ponytail, which I haven’t repeated since—it made her look way more grown up than I was ready for. Firsts are memorable, but I have also loved witnessing the gradual and wonderful revelation of Peeper’s personality. She is such her own little person that my breath sometimes catches when I watch her. She is unequivocal in her opinions (as well as vocal—her verdicts are often punctuated by “No like it!” or “So excited!”), and I’m happy to be raising a strong little girl who knows her mind—even if I think she’s crazy for hating pancakes.
It’s a mom cliche that their child’s current stage is the best one. But this period in Peeper’s short life is the most fun.
I love devising new things for her to try, like playing with shaving cream or stomping in tennis court rain puddles, and am thrilled by her own inventions, like feeding her toy duck “toe junk”—the lint between her toes—or doing toddler yoga beneath the triangle of my downward dog.
The extent of our fun somehow continues to grow, matching the expansion of my love for this tiny person who—implausibly, luckily—joined our family. I can’t know what next month will bring, but I’d wager this just keeps getting better and better.
How wonderful that despite all the busyness of raising her you are also able to constantly be aware and present and appreciative of all these experiences and changes for her! It sounds like she is very loving to her grandparents which must be such a memorable fulfilling vacation time for everyone! Also love how you described here as a superglue monkey hybrid!
Thanks Pech! I find if I don’t look back on each month, I lose track of the incremental changes.
That age is SO FUN! I love it when their personalities REALLY start to show through….
Absolutely! I love the squishy baby stage, too, but there’s nothing like a toddler who has a vibrant imagination and can have a conversation. Sort of. 😉
Love that picture with the sand on her hand! And it’s so fun to get to see their little personalities emerging more and more. Definitely a great age.
Thank you! When I do break out my nice camera it’s rewarding to get a shot I like.
She has many years ahead to straighten out her somewhat strange aversion to pancakes. Poor misguided girl. 🙂
A strong woman is the greatest gift you can give to the world. You are setting a great example and your beautiful girl will take that all in.
“A strong woman is the greatest gift you can give to the world.” —> I need to frame this quote!!! Thank you!
That was beautiful. Your daughter is so cute and adorable. I agree. It goes by so fast. I’m slow to change certain things as well. She just grew out of her infant bath :(. I was kind of sad because now she has to use the big bath and now I can’t believe she was ever that small when she was in her infant bath :(. Also, she just now grew out of a size 4 shoe to a 5 :(. I don’t want her little feet to grow yet lol. I love this time. It’s truly amazing yet goes so fast.
It’s funny you mention her shoes! I got strangely nostalgic over her first pair of real shoes the other day. They’re just so little and cute! Good thing her soon-to-be little sister will be able to wear them! 🙂
She is so adorable, and she was rocking that pony tail!
One of my fondest memories of my son was when he was about the same age, and we were visiting my aunt and grandma in Arizona. He had so much fun giggling and running through the halls of the hotel in his footie pajamas. It’s so great that you’re documenting these special moments!
I can just see it! What a sweet memory. Glad the post triggered it.
I enjoyed this because I have a 21 month old too! I can’t believe how much he has grown up just this month! And your little one has the EXACT same facial expressions that our JD does. So funny! She has more words though. I would love to hear JD talk more. I’m just so excited that he’s finally starting to listen more, obey more often, sit at the big table, and just “get’ more things. I love it. You’re right. This is a great age.
Haha, glad to hear Peeper isn’t the only one with her serious/intent expressions! We used to call her “frow brow” because her brow was always furrowed. 🙂 I guess she was just focused on figuring out the world! Glad JD is “getting” more things too—isn’t that cool to watch?
Yes, it is so cool to watch! And about those expressions–yes! He is so serious. Sometimes we call him Angry Bird. hehehe But we mean it in the nicest way.