Yesterday Kiwi got a series of vaccinations. I had hoped the shots would make her sleep—after all, after the first round of ’em two months ago she got her longest stretch of shut-eye ever.
Alas, it was not meant to be.
So as I’m feeling like a braindead zombie today, I stumbled across a weekly smile link-up hosted by Trent at Trent’s World.
We must have been on the same page because this week my mom, Eric and I also tried sharing our day’s high and low at dinner. It felt a little silly, but it was nice to hear the highlights and dips of my loved ones’ days.
Here, then, are a few smiles from my week.
Smiling through sleep deprivation
[vimeo 151168722 w=500 h=281]
Kiwi the Wookie from Catherine Ryan Gregory on Vimeo.
Kiwi’s happiness. She is so talkative, especially when she’s happy. She sounds like a Wookie!
Yoga with Peeper. Last night Peeper and I hung out just the two of us. I was stretching and she said, “That’s downward dog, Mom, isn’t it?” That led us to exploring more postures—whichever ones I could think of with interesting names, like mountain, cat/cow, triangle and tree. She tried to mimic me, and when we ran out of “tricks,” as she calls poses, she made up her own. My favorite: giraffe!
Quiet moments. The other morning I was breastfeeding Kiwi. She gently brushed her hands over my collarbone, cheek and shoulder as she nursed. In the other room, Peeper and my mom were rocking in the glider and singing Beatles songs. As Nana sang “Rocky Raccoon,” Peeper interrupted every so often. “What’s ‘rival’?” and “What’s ‘Bible?'” Then they sang “Yellow Submarine” as a duet.
As Peeper’s voice mingled with my mom’s, and as Kiwi drifted closer to sleep, I smiled. It was a perfect moment.
What made you smile this week?
How cute, doing yoga together!
She totally schools me on the poses. Kids are so darn flexible!
My weekly smile goes out to my mom, who requested an Elvis pie for her birthday dinner tonight. So an Elvis pie I will make, with a smile on my face.
I’ve never heard of Elvis pie! Is it honey, peanut butter and bananas? Happy birthday to your mom!
Those are all great things to smile about, though I’m biased and like your mom teaching a new generation Beatles’ songs. Everyone should grow up loving the Beatles! Thanks for joining the 1st Weekly Smile link-up! I hope to see you there again!
Thanks for hosting it, Trent! It was a good reminder to focus on the good things on a cranky morning.
This week I smiled because I finally got back into my workout routine after the holiday hiatus! I forgot how much better I feel afterwards!
I still need to do that!! Good for you.
Your blog posts always make us smile. We look forward to getting them! We always get excited when we see a new one!
Peeper is so intelligent. You are a GOOD mom!
Jerilyn & Robbie in Battle Creek (friends w/Jack & Linda)
Thank you so much! Glad to keep the smiles going. 🙂
Those are great things to smile about 🙂 I’m smiling about the simple fact that I get to watch my kids grow into these amazing people. They really surprised me this week in many ways and it just makes me smile watching them grow into their individual, unique selves with confidence 🙂