This is my first year as a mother when I’ve actually felt on top of Halloween. And that’s 100% because I decided to not go all DIY.
I’m so glad I’m half-assing Halloween.
When Peeper said she wanted to wear a Cinderella costume, my inner feminist cringed—but then I hopped on Amazon and ordered her a damn Disney dress.
Kiwi is still too little to have much of a preference or even know there’s a holiday coming up. So I figured that hey, she has fleece giraffe-print pajamas, so why doesn’t she dress as a giraffe? #twoforonepajamas
Now I have to get out and show off these top-tier costumes. And if you’re like us, you won’t be spending all of Halloween at home, either, waiting to give out tiny chocolates to almost equally tiny Elsas and Pikachus. We’ll be taking the girls out to get their own candy (which we’ll quickly appropriate, obvi). So I wanted to set out a trick or treat sign welcoming the neighborhood kids to help themselves to the treats I’ll leave on the front porch.
And hey, so can you, because you can download this Halloween trick or treat sign for free!
Download your free Trick or Treat Sign!
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This is the first year we’ll be trick or treating in town. Last year we were at the coast for Halloween, and the year before that we lived in Tigard and so went trick or treating in Multnomah Village. I’m not sure what to expect, though I’ve heard most kids in our area ask to be driven to the big houses, where they give out king-sized candy bars.
Maybe, then, the bowl of Milky Ways and Snickers I leave out will be full when I get back, trick or treat sign or no.
(More for us! / More to give away to Meals on Wheels or overseas troops when the graveyard of candy wrappers surrounding me makes me realize that I’ve just eaten an entire day’s calorie allotment of nougat and milk chocolate!)
Do you get trick or treaters? If you leave the house, do you leave out candy with a trick or treat sign or just trust in the Halloween honor code?
And tell me—what are you and your littles dressing up as for Halloween?
Nice idea! Since we just moved into our neighborhood we’re thinking it will be great to be home on Halloween and pass out treats, and meet the neighbors! We didn’t get any at our townhouse. I am thinking of doing temporary tattoos or something non-food!
Create/Enjoy recently posted…#Stanley90sreno week 2 update: wall repair, texture, and painting the entire house
Brilliant ideas all around! Non-food treats are especially great for all the kids with food sensitivities and allergies. Have a happy Halloween at home!
We do little finger lights every year and they are a HUGE hit. Plus, for around $17 on Amazon for 100 they end up being cheaper than bags of candy!
FUN! I do love non-candy treats. I shudder at the thought of sugar highs.
Love the printable! I love passing out treats each year but struggle with wanting to go around with the kiddos. This will be good to have out while we trick or treat and then we can remove it when we get home!
Jenni recently posted…Halloween Cocktail and NA Beverage with Red Vines + Giveaway
That’s what we’re planning too! We’ll be going out early, thanks to the littles’ bed times, so we’ll be home for the older kids.
Very fun! We used to give out candy because we’d come back earlier when the kids were little, but now that they are older and stay out later, we usually have a sign with a candy bowl that we put out too. We go to a street in our neighborhood where each house has something special: one has cotton candy, another has hot dogs, another popcorn, another beer for the adults… It’s so much fun! Happy Halloween to you and your adorable kids!
Beer for the adults? Not THAT is a treat I can get behind!!! Happy Halloween, Marlynn!
Sadly, we haven’t had trick-or-treaters for years. We used to live out in the country, and no one ever came to our house because our driveway was a quarter mile long. Now, we live in town on a private cul-de-sac, and no one ever comes. I used to love handing out candy, and now I miss those little kiddos knocking on the door.
Renee @ The Good Hearted Woman recently posted…Celebrating Four Years of GHW! {and How We Owe It All to NaNoWriMo… and the Vegans}
I feel you there. Growing up, we lived in a house at the top of a very long and *very* steep driveway. The only times we got trick or treaters was when a neighbor made their kids make the trek up. They were always well rewarded, though: My parents would shovel handfuls of candy into their bags because we always overbought. Ha! Happy Halloween, Renee!
Love this printable…if you don’t mind, I’d love to add it to my last roundup!
Leslie recently posted…65 Free Last-Minute Fall and Halloween Printables
Hi Leslie, thanks for stopping by—and I’d love for you to add it to the roundup! Happy Halloween!!!
“Half-Assed Halloween” . . . sounds like the greatest book title, ever.
Geoff recently posted…Dark Tea from Burma/Myanmar
Haha! I’ll have to start working on that book, Geoff.