Our daughter, who just the other day entered our world yelling (or so it seems), is now two whole big enormous years old.
Just writing “two years” instead of “24 months” is a mental shift. It’s like the point when I stopped measuring her age in weeks and switched to months.
We talked a lot about her birthday, and we threw her a party over the weekend with family and a few friends. Peeper still wants to wear her Hello Kitty party hats and keeps asking when her friends are coming over. She’s also asking to open more presents, so maybe we’ll just box up some old things and let her go at it all over again!

[vimeo 132962637 w=500 h=281]
Happy birthday! from Catherine Ryan Gregory on Vimeo.
Peeper has become a comedian in the last month. She thinks poop is hilarious (and she’s right, of course). She actually makes jokes, at least her own version of them. And she makes up silly words to get us to laugh.
It is remarkable to witness someone developing a sense of humor.
Of course toddler comedy brings the house down (except when it doesn’t, like when she’s avoiding a diaper change or bed time). I imagine her funny bone will continue to grow with the rest of her.
Milestones like turning two make me think ahead and wonder what the coming months and years will bring.
Peeper’s second year will be full of changes. She’ll become a big sister—a transition she talks about constantly. I’m starting a new job that will have me working a lot more, though it will be from home. We’ll eventually hire a part-time nanny, which will mean adjusting to a new caregiver.
And who knows what other changes life has in store for our little family!
If I know my daughter, she’ll handle these adjustments well—and with a little humor. We’re sure to deal with some frustration as we all adjust—along with the regular changes that come with being two—but we’re ready.
So far, I haven’t met Peeper’s transition from one to two with dismay: I’m pretty sure no one has heard me bemoan losing my baby. (After all, I still catch myself calling her a baby! Ack!)
That’s at least partly because I love the stage she’s at. She is so full of fun, curiosity, energy and imagination. I wouldn’t trade these days of painting, playing with action figures, throwing rocks, peeking into drains, reading, snuggling, jumping off futons, swinging, swimming, bathing toys and make-believing for anything.

Happy, happy birthday, my sweets. We love you more than you can ever know.