The most Oregon-y Father’s Day

We celebrated Father’s Day in full Oregon style.

We began with a hike to Old Salmon River Trail outside Welches. The path was an easy grade along the river, which Peeper loved. She was fascinated and couldn’t tear her eyes away. Her finger got quite a workout as she pointed at it for, oh, the entire hike.

Ten Thousand Hour Mama

We walked through the old growth forest and marveled at the enormous trees. As the rain came down harder, though, we zipped through uncovered stretches (“quick feet, quick feet!” Eric would say, echoing what he tells his students when they have to hurry through the halls).

The trees didn’t offer quite as much cover as we’d anticipated, and the 10-30% chance of rain turned into more of a 100% situation, so we had to turn back earlier than we’d anticipated.

Ten Thousand Hour Mama Read more

We won’t let the bugs win

I’m a big fan of letting Peeper get dirty. I have no problem with grass stains on her pants, hands covered in dust or tasting sticks and pine cones and tree bark.

I absolutely love the outdoors, and I want her to explore, too. But there came a point this weekend when enough was enough.

On Sunday, Peeper, Finn and I met a friend of mine from grad school for this hike on Sauvie Island (which is bigger than Manhattan, if you want to squirrel away that fact for trivia night). The 3-mile loop on the wildlife refuge stipulates that dogs must remain on leash, and I was more than happy to keep Finn on lockdown: Cows, and the poopy evidence thereof, were everywhere. Finn has a disgusting track record with hikes through pastureland.

(Sorry, TMI.)

The scenery was gorgeous. We caught glimpses of Mt. St. Helen’s—or maybe it was Mt. Adams, but I couldn’t be sure because the top was obscured by clouds. Birds swooped this way and that. Old barns punctuated rolling fields.

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Halfway through, we stopped for a picnic lunch. Peeper practiced standing on her own and chowed down on tomatoes. Finn waded in the lake. It was perfect.

Until I spotted the tick. Read more