When new acquaintances ask what I do, I have the privilege of replying that I am a writer. I craft stories for magazines and online sites, content for corporations’ philanthropic divisions and, of course, posts for this blog.
Part of the whole being a writer thang is that I have to get paid. What’s more, I believe my time, effort and work deserve payment. I am expert at sleuthing out leads, reporting the facts, interpreting scientific data and generally writing a compelling story that readers want to remember, savor and share. Because I strive for honesty, transparency and clarity, here are my blog’s policies and disclosures so we’re all on the same page.
Every word that appears on this blog is written by me, unless specified as a guest post. That means that all opinions are my own, and I strive to be just like my preschooler in this regard: brutally honest.
I do, however, accept sponsorship for posts, freebie products for giveaways, ads and other compensation. I also use the Amazon affiliate program, which means if readers click on links to products and then buy something, I receive a very small sliver of a kickback. (Hey, those pennies add up, and Mama’s gotta pay the mortgage!)
Work with me
If you have an idea of how we can collaborate—either by sponsoring a post or having me review products—this policies and disclosures page is a great place to start. Please send me a message via the contact form below.
Why me?
I have worked in journalism for more than a decade. I specialize in parenting, women’s health, conscious lifestyle and relationships. I have written for Cosmopolitan, Glamour, SELF, Parents, Fit Pregnancy, Natural Health, MindBodyGreen, Bloomberg Businessweek, wESPN.com and many other publications. (See selected clips on my web site.)
The Ten Thousand Hour Mama has created an accepting, supportive corner of the internet where parents—especially mothers—come to get craft prompts, figure out where to take the family hiking or simply hear that they are doing a good job. This blog has fostered a community of engaged, curious, active and kick-a readers who check back on the site for ideas, inspiration and encouragement.
Thank you—seriously, thank you—for stopping by!

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