4 ways to smile through your toddler’s cold

It seems as if Peeper *just* got over a cold, but here she is, snotty and congested and sneezy all over again.

Being sick is rotten, and I wish I could take away my munchkin’s discomfort. Since I can’t, though, I’m looking on the bright side. Here are my top four reasons to smile in spite of—or because of—Peeper’s cold.

1. Happy! She’s no Pharrell, but much of the time she apparently feels like a room without a roof, if you know what I mean. Sure, she gets cranky and clingy, but for the most part she’s like this, drippy nose or not:

[vimeo 107745994 w=500 h=281]

Happy! from Catherine Ryan Gregory on Vimeo.

2. Story time. Peeper always loves a good book, but when she’s sick, we spend long stretches cuddling and reading. These days her favorite books are ones that have pictures of everyday objects. I name everything for her—over and over and over and over—and her pointer finger gets a real workout.

Reading and dog cuddles - Ten Thousand Hour Mama

Finn, not to be left out, joins us, too. And this week we were in luck: My aunt sent a package of books my cousins (the oldest of whom is now in college—what?!) used to read. Thanks, Aunt Anne: You’ve doomed me to page through My First Word Book a million times a day for the rest of time.

3. Laughter. When you don’t know how to blow your nose and adults are constantly swiping at the snot collecting on your face, a sense of humor definitely helps you get through the day.

Sick toddler - Ten Thousand Hour Mama

We do just about everything we can to laugh, including wearing pants-hats.

4. The outdoors. Eric’s dad abides by the philosophy that few things can’t be improved by getting outside and blowing the stink off ya, and I couldn’t agree more. Fresh air and a little exercise may not typically be prescribed for a cold, but we think it’s a pretty good Rx.

Sick toddler - Ten Thousand Hour Mama

When you look on the bright side of being sick, what do you see?

0 thoughts on “4 ways to smile through your toddler’s cold

  • October 8, 2014 at 1:28 pm

    Awwwww-some! What a little dumpling. And yes, it seems as if even when Edie is ill, she’s still my Sweet-patootie. xoxoxo

  • October 8, 2014 at 1:33 pm

    My kiddo is very rarely happy when he is sick. But, I’m totally with you on number 2! I can’t get enough of his sweet cuddles and quality reading time when he is ill. I hope your little is better soon!

  • October 8, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    Oh, my word, but that video is adorable, as is her little red nose!

    I like how being sick forces me to take time out to relax. When my kids are sick, I savor how extra snuggly that makes them.

  • October 8, 2014 at 2:39 pm

    My favorite part of being sick, if I had to choose one, was how my cat cuddles with me to help reassure men that not all life is bad and I can’t get through it and helping me feel the love. I’m glad you and Finn are helping Peeper with that part!

  • October 8, 2014 at 5:18 pm

    Pech’s comment reminded me of when I was young. I had a cat, Shelia, who would only cuddle when I was sick. If I had the flu (or even a bad cold) she would barely leave my side. Then the minute I was feeling better, off she’d go again. More than once, I was sent back to school sooner than I wanted, as my dad said, “The cat doesn’t seem to think you’re, so get up and get dressed!”


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